Big Pharma
Big Pharma is a big song from the Guru. If Big Pharma made a song it would sound like this, heavy and dirty!
This single is one of the most popular and resonates with all those that understand the evil empire that is Big Pharma. With heavy rock riffs, hard drums and a dirty vocal this song became an anthem during the covaids plandemic.
I Told You So (banned on Spotify, YouTube and iTunes)
The most popular single from the Guru "I Told You So" has an edgy rock blues sound and lists a tonne of so called "conspiracies" or in other words TRUTH! The frustration in this song is clear and points the finger at those that don't listen and refuse to research. With a great blues riff and solo, we told you so!
Television Watching News Believer
Because of you we're in this mess, forever you will acquiesce! A great Metallica sounding rock track that points the finger at the television watching news believer. The music video features clips from the conspiracy movie "They Live" by John Carpenter, the TV mind control symbology in this must watch movie is very fitting for this great tune.
Look Up (a song about chemtrails)
A touching, moving and emotional folk song about the poisoning of our skies, Conspiracy Music Guru shows a rare serious side in this exposing song about chemtrails. The live version features a chemtrail whistle blower which can be found on YouTube here
No Amount of Evidence (will ever persuade an idiot)
A very revealing and comical look at frequency radiation, this stuff is all around us and no one seems to notice, no one seems to care. Facts logic and reason seems to go over the heads of most people, there are those that can not see, they are all around us, no amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot!